The said Proposall came answered thus vizt
By the House of Burgesses July 4th 1696
This House humbly thank his Excellency for his Generous
Offer but considering how much they are already Engaged to
his Excellency for money already by him advanced upon that
Accot and how uncapable they are at present to reinburse him
and conceiving themselves to have sufficiently advanced
towards the Assistance of New York especially having paid
to that Government 130l odd pounds more then what his
Sacred Majesty had been Graciously Pleased to declare should
be in lieu of the Quota from this province do not think them-
selves obliged any way to Contribute thereto until his Maj-
estys Royal Pleasure shall be declared therein which this
Province with all Obedience will wait for
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly
Proposed to the House that an Address be drawn up to his
Majesty about New York and a Letter writt to Mr Blathwayt
and Mr Povey and if they think fitt to employ either of the
said Gentlemen to sollicit their Affairs his Excellency will
Lend the Country Money to do the same if wanting
Read again the following Bill vizt An Act for the service of
Almighty God and the Establishment of the Protestant Reli-
gion within this province and being taken into Mature Con-
sideration proposed that the Remarks thereon made being
amended and if they will say therein according to the Ecclesi-
astical Fundamental Laws of England instead of Fundamental
Laws it will pass
The said Bill with the others were returned to the House in
Order to be Fair Engrossed
The following Message being by Order drawn up was sent
to the House Vizt
By his Excellency the Governor and Council &c July the 6th
His Excellency having received Information upon a Com-
plaint made by one Mr Lumley how that Mr John LLewellin
had charged him the said Lumley as one of the Conspirators
employed about the Intended Assassination against his Maj-
estys Sacred Person such discourses and Reports being held
by this Board as matter of Dangerous Consequence to the
Government therefore proposed whether it be needful as Cir-
cumstances of Affairs now stand that upon the said Report all
the Roman Catholicks in the province be secured and dis-