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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 361

That such persons as [at their own] propper Cost and
Charges will build and [keep] Bridewell, that they have a
Lease & the Benifitt thereby.
Assented to by the whole house nemine contradicente,
That Suspected persons going over Potomack with good
horses be examined and not Suffered to go over.
The Laws have already provided.
That as to former proposal! touching pensilvania Trade
and Seamen travelling without passes being matter of great
Moment for his Matys Service during this tyme of Warr the
said proposall is therefore more particularly urged and recom-
Resolved that his Excys proclamation touching pensilvania
trade and Seamen travelling without passes be duly observed
and put in Execution by the sevrall Magistrates and other
Inhabitants of this Province.
That Considering how often the Comrs of the Customs
hands & Seals Nay even the Broad Seale of England it selfe
has been counterfeited that no testimonialls for the future be
admitted here but such as shall come out of the plantation
Resolved by the house that the Laws thereunto relating
are already Sufficient.


That as to Runaway Servts Debtors &c to Virginia &c. that
a Law or some proposall pass to be sent to Virginia to effect
the same.
Resolved that proposalls be [made] to Virginia for a Con-
ditionall Act to be passed [here and in that] Colony in relation
to such Runaways.
That Ca[re be taken about laying] the publique Levy
[seeing] that for the [future it will not be per] mitted to be
left to the management [of a private Committee.]
Resolved [the same be not] layd during the sitting of this
house [the house will make] provision therefore.
That the [toleration of such] Liberty as is taken by priests
may prove a Discourage [ment to my] Lord Bishop of London
to send in Ministers among us therefore is particularly urged
& recommended.
Resolved by the house that the Romish priests within this
province complying with the Laws thereof be Suffered to
marry such persons as shall apply themselves unto them
That an Act be made straightly enjoyning the severall &
respective Sherriffs of the SeVall County's within this prov-
ince to give Notice to the severall Inhabitants of their
County's to appear at the Election of Burgesses or Reprsenta-
tives of the said Countys or otherwise to send their Votes

p. 15

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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