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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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360 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Put to the Question if there should be any Chimney in the
New Stadt House or not
Resolved [nemine Contradicente that] there be no Chimney
in the new [Stadt House].
Put to the [question if Col. Herman] shall build a back porch
to the Stadt house [and be allowed therefor by] the Country
when finished
Carryed by [majority of voices that he] shall build a back
porch & be allow'd [by the Country for the same] when
Ordered [by the House that the] publique Treasurers of
this Province pay unto [his Excy] the Govr what ready money
is in their hands and take his Receipt for the same in part of
what this province is indebted to his Excy
Severall proposalls from His Excylayd before this house for
their Consideration.
That whereas Thomas Neale Esqr Mar of his Matys Royall
Mint had offered his Assistance in Relation to our Act for
Advancemt of Coyns now in England, that this house would
write to him and intreate his Friendship therein. Resolved a
Lre be writt to Thomas Neale Esqr
That in reguard the Fleet is expected in & that provisions
are scarce and may be much wanted by the ffleet especially if
they winter here that the house would Consider that Some
Ordr pass to prohibite the Exportation of Porke and Corne.
The house desire his Excy will be pleased to issue his proc-
lamation agt the Exportation of Corne as for porke there is
no necessity of prohibiting the Exportation thereof.
What shall be done with the Bill taken for the Impost upon
ffurs &c
Ordered that they be delivered to the publique Treasurers
of this province who are to send them home this shipping &
take care to have them received and securely lodged for the
Ends designed.
That the Qr part of the publique Revennue due from Govr
Copley's Estate being 470l sterl allotted for the purchasing
Arms and Amunition for this province be taken into the Con-
sideration of the House.
Resolved his Maty be addressed therein.

P. 14

That to the End busieness may be carryed on with the
more quick Dispatch by obviating Some Objections which by
the house may be put, the [following Queries] are put Vizt
If Skinns and [furrs brought out of] Pensilvania & Shipt
here ought not to [pay dutys as others exported] And that
some Ordr pass to en [force such persons who] have exported
Skinns & furrs to pay [the dutys thereupon].
It is the [opinion of the house that] the Act is Sufficient to
compe[ll them].

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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