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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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362 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Sealed up to the Sherriff by him to be broaken open at the
Resolved that the Laws have already Sufficiently provided
Resolved that the thanks of this house be returned Mr
Perigrine Couey for his thanksgiving Sermon, preached on
thursday last being the Day sett apart for a Solemn thanks-
giving for his Matys Success and Safe Arrivall.
That whereas Mr Anthony Workeman of Kent Island
intends to build an house of the value of 100l sterl And hath
Obliged himselfe upon his Decease to leave the same to the
Use of Free Schools proposed that an Act be made to con-
firm the ffee simple of the Land in this port to the sd Worke-
man wherein he intends to build the afd house.
Resolved that a short Bill be prepared therefore.
That An Act be made for Appeals from the Court of Pro-
bate of Wills &c. to be heard before his Excy the Govr &

p. 16

Resolved that the Laws have already Sufficiently provided
for Appeals from the said Court.
That the Severall [publique roads within] this province be
ascertained widened & marked [and that the Com" of] the
severall Countys se the same [be cleared and repaired
Resolved [that the Act of Assembly] appointing Overseer[s
of the highways hath sufficiently provided therefore.
That the sd [Roads be recorded in the Secretary's Office.
Assen[ted to by the house]
Recomended that a in the Port of Annapolis
And that the publique tribute thereto.
Referred to the Consideration of the next Sessions of
That the Sevrall Navall Officers when they pass their
Accts swear to them before his Excy the Govrs
Assented to by the house.
Ordered that the publique Treasurers of this Province give
Bond before his Excy as security for performance of their

That all publique & County Ferrymen upon great Rivers
be Suffered to keep Ordinary without Lycence.
Assented to by the house.
The house adjourned till 6. of the Clock on Munday morn-

Munday May the 11th 1696.

House met. Absent Mr Watson Mr Robt Smith & Col:

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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