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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 359

The petition of Thomas Tench Esqr The honble James Frisby
Esqr & divers other Gentn Merchts and factors for and on
behalfe of themselves and others
Ordered that a Bill be prpared for the speedy hearing &
determining of those Actions wherein Merchts are Suitors
Upon reading the petitions of Peter fferdinando and Willm
Ordered that they be allowed each of them yearly 2000 l of
tob a peice out of the publique Levy of this province to be
paid them in Charles County.


Allen Robinett his petition read and referrd to the Comittee
of Accts for Allowance.
George Williams petition read and referrd to the Comrs of
Talbott County
Saml Howard his [petition read and referred] to the
Comittee of Accts for Allowance.
James Forster [his petition read and referred] to the
Comittee of Accts who are to [enquire and if not already

satisfy'd] to allow the same

The petition of [Phillip Pitt and others ves]trymen of the
parish of Great Choptanck in [Dorchester County read] And
thereupon the House are of Opinion that the sd Vestry [pro-
ceed to] build their Church as to them shall seem convenient.
Vpon reading the petition of Sevrall the Inhabitants of Dor-
chester County.
Put to the Question if the Act agt Strikeing of ffish in
Dorchester and Somersett County's shall be repealed
Carryed by Majority of Voices not to be repealed.
Upon reading one other petition to this house of Allen
Ordered that the said Allen Robinett keep the Ferry over
Severne River untill his 12 months be expired Vizt from March
last to March ensuing, And that the severall persons crossing
the said fferry not being Inhabitants of this province pay him
his Reasonable Reward for setting them over And that for
keeping the said fferry he shall have and receive out of the
publique Levy of this province nine thousand pounds of tob,
provided the said Robinett reside constantly in the port of
Annapolis and keep his Boat on this Syde the River other-
wise Major Hamond and Major Dorsey are impowered to
agree with Some other person that will undertake to keep the
The house adjourned for an hour.

p. 12

Post Meridiem House met absent

Mr Watson Mr Hutchins Mr Robt Smith Mr Scarbourough
& Col Codd.

p. 13

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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