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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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36 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694.


That a way be found out for the building a free Schoole for
the province and a Maintenance for a Schoole Master an
Usher & a Writeing Master that Can cast Accots
The which if it can be Agreed upon his Exncie proposes to
Give 50l towards building the said Schoole & 25l Sterl: a yeare
towards the maintenance of the Masters dureing his Exncies
His Honor Sr Tho: Lawrence will Likewise give 5000l of
Tobacco towards the building the ffree Schoole & 2000l of
Tob: yearely dureing his being Secretary towards the Mainte-
nance of the said Masters likewise.
That a way be found out, that when Ministers are Collected
in each parish for to settle some thing for the Repareing of
the Churches & an Annuall allowance to the Clarke & Sexton.
Ordered that the foregoeing proposalls be Drawne forth &
sent to the House together with Coppy of his Majties Royall
Instruction relateing thereto wch was accordingly done.
To Propose a way to Restrain all Negroes from wandering
about on Sundayes & to keep them from prophaneing the
Sabath day in makeing of Rendevouze wth their Drumes &
publick danceing as is Usuall with them.

p. 14

Coll Addison & Mr Brookes sent wth the said Message &
Petition of Andrew Imbert & Claudius Dutrite, praying to
be made ffree Denizens of this province, Ordered that the
same be referred to the House of Burgesses.
Thomas Courtneys petition being Read relateing to a
Molatto sett free by An Act of Assembly of this province, was
Referred to Mr Attorney Genll & he to make Report what the
Law Sayes in that Case.
Adjourne till to Morrow.

September 25th 1694.
Covncill Mett & Sate & were present

His Exncy &ca

Sr Thomas Laurence Barron Secretary Coll David Browne
Coll Henry Joweles                                Thomas Tench Esqr

Coll Nicholas Greenberry                        Capt Jno Courts

Coll Charles Hutchins                           

Coll George Robotham
Coll John Addison
Thomas Brookes Esqr

Severall petitions from Roman Catholiques being Offered to
this Board for Armes taken away from them in the time of the


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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