Assembly Proceedings, Sept, 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 37
Ordered that the house of Assembly be acquainted there-
with to the End it may be knowne if there be any Reason
whye the same should not be delivered them.
Ordered that it be proposed to the house that a Law be
made for his Majties Lettr to the Lord Bishop of London to be
Comunicated to the two provinces of Canterbury & Yorke, be
Read in every parish Church or Chappell ffour times a yeare
together with the penall Lawes of the province.
That a Law be proposed to be made that parents ffre-
quently bring their Children to be Catechized & that the min-
isters call upon them.
That a Law be made for a Stricter Method to be taken in
keeping all Records within this province & that the Justices of
the provinciall & County Courts doe Cause the minutes of
every dayes proceedings together with the Judgmts that day
passed to be fairly transcribed by the Clerke of the Court agt
the next Morning the same to be openly read in Court before
the Court proceed to any further Business that day
That a Law be made that there shall noe accon be brought
in any County Court within this province not Exceeding the
suine of 400l of Tobacco & that all Under the said Sume may
be decided by any private Justice of peace, or otherwise as
it shall be thought Necessary.
It is proposed That the Law for Navall Officers ffees be
Amended by proportioning equall ffees to the Burthen of the
Vessells; & that whereas it hath been Represented a great
Grievance that sloopes & Shallops tradeing from one place to
another within this province are put to great Charge in Con-
tinually Entering their said small Craft it may be provided
that masters or owners of such Sloopes or Shallops shall
yearely Enter their said Vessells at the same time giveing
bond for duely Observing the Acts of Trade & Navigation
for which a ffee of halfe a Crowne or Crowne may be settled
upon the Officer Granting their permitts &ca
That the Law for Tradeing wth the Indians maybe Repealed it
being found that the said Trade is quite ruined, the same being
inhanced by a few Lycensed Traders, But that a Law instead
thereof be made wch may impose some small Duty upon all
ffurrs Exported out of this province by the Inhabitants here or
of Virgina but double or Treble Duty upon all fforraigners
Exporting such goods.
His Exncy does declare that though these Two Laws doe in
particular concerne his Exncys owne Interest yet he is Willing
to Square all Matters for the Ease of the Subject.
Message from the House by Mr Boothby & Mr Hutchinson
who Signifye that Capt William Whittington being by Inden-
ture Returned a Delegate for Somersett County the wch
p. 15