Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 35
Read likewise Coll Hamiltons Proposals for settleing the
same being Deputed vnder Esq Neale whoe has pattent for
being post Master Genll in the Northe parts of America as by
her said Majties Letter is Sett forth to which the same does
Ordered that inquirey be made whether any such pattent
Deputation or instrument appeare any where upon Record
wth in this province.
Coll Hutchins & Coll Browne appeare at the Board.
Read Coll Hamiltons Letf to his Exncy of the 18th of July
1694 relateing to the post Office Ordered that all those
present papers be sent to the house of Burgesses with their
Majties Royall Lettr aforesaid.
Ordered that the Laws be inspected by this Board to see
what remarkes may be made upon them.
1 The Act of Recognition is thought not needfull to be
2. An Act for the Service of Almighty God & the Estab-
lishmt of the protestant Religion in this province.
Proposed that An Addition be made to this Law Vizt: that
in Consideracon the parishes being Large there be a greater
Number of Vestrey Men appointed in each parish & that the
Minister be one of the said Vestrey in each Respective parish
pursuant to his Majties Royall Instructions & that Church
Wardens be appointed that care be taken, according to his
Majties Instructions likewise, for building of Houses for the
Ministers & to finde out a way (if possible) by Contribution
or otherwise for settleing a Glebe in each parish & building a
Chappell of Ease where requisite & wanting to be done at
the Choice & by the Agreemt of the parishionrs &ca or as they
shall see fitt.
That if a way can be found out to build a house in every
pish for the ministers his Exncy does propose to give five
pounds Sterl. towards building every such house begun in his
Exncys time & his Honor Sr Thomas Laurence Barront Secre-
tary does likewise propose that he will give towards the
building of the first Tenemt houses which shall be built as afd
(vizt one in each County) the Sume of 1000l of Tobacco
towards each house, And if they find out a way for Glebes his
Exncy Does propose to be at the Charge of Surveying the
same, dureing his Exncys time.
That (pursuant to his Majties Royall Instructions) & the
Right Honble & Right Reverent the Lord Bishop of Londons
proposalls it is recomended that a fitting competency be found
out for his Lsps Comissary to Supervise the Lives & Conver-
sations of the Clergy of this Province &c.
Coll Robotham aded.