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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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358 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Upon Reading the Above Report

Resolved that an Explanatory Act be made to the Act
for Tunnage and ascertayning Navall Officers ffees

The house adjourned untill to morrow morning at Six of
the Clock

Saturday May the 9th 1696

The house met and called over were Absent Mr Watson
Col: Hanson Mr Hutchins Mr Robert Smith Mr Scarborough
Col: Herman and Col: Codd.
Mr Tasker and Major Thompson sent to acquaint Col:
Darnall that the house desire he would appeare here with all
convenient Speed
Mr Tasker and Major Thompson returne to the house and
bring with them Col: Henry Darnall and Mr Charls Carroll

p. 11

The house acquainting Col: Darnall (as he was his Lordp
the Lord proprietary's Agent) that they were proposing a Law
to be made for Quieting possessions and securing the Rights
and Rents of Surplussage Land's to the proprietary's thereof
(being thereunto induced by reason of a certain Declaration
which the said Col: Darnall [acknowledged he] had by his
Lordps Order affixed at the [Door of this House in Oc]tob:
last as also at the Doors of the Several [County Court Houses
within] this province relating to [surplusage Lands, Col.]
Darnall said if the house did intend to [pass and send the
law for] England for his Matys Assent he [would say nothing
thereto; but] if so be this house would Address send a Copy
[to his Lop the Lord Proprietary therein with an address he
would ime[diately set up a p]ublique Declaration that noe
Advantage should [be had or] taken of any the good people
of this province of or by reason of the afd Declaration by him
published in Octob: last Untill his Lordps further pleasure
should be knowne therein To which the house Assented.
After which the said Col: Darnall & Mr. Carroll withdrew
Put to the Question that if in Case Col: Darnall shall pub-
lish such Declaration if a Copy of the Law together with an
Address or remonstrance shall not be sent to the Lord Balte-
more, or that the said Law be passed here and sent to his
Matys for his Assent
Carryed by Majority of Voices that a Copy of the said Law
with a Remonstrance from this province be sent to his Lordp:
The petition of Kent Island & port of Talbott County read.
Put the Question if such Division shall be made as petitioned
for or the sd County's to stand as by law established.
Carryed by Majority of Voices the said County's to stand
as by Law established

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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