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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 357

of Land to build a Court house on [or in case persons own-
ing] refuse to sell the same to have it layd [out and assessed
by a Jury.]
Carryed by [majority of voices, and] a Bill be prepared
Reported from the Comittee of Aggrievances That Com-
plaints are made from all parts of this province that the Navall
Officers of the severall and respective Districts within this
province exact severall Dutys from the Good people Traders
into and Inhabitants within this Province and oblige them to
many Difficultyes and Inconveniencyes which by Law they are
not confined to, for the better understanding thereof and more
perfect explanation of the same as It is to us represented, We
humbly present that notwithstanding the Act for Tunnage and
ascertayning Navall Officers ffees allows 5s sterl for Entring
and 5s Sterl for clearing a shipp of the burthen of one hundred
Tunns or under intends that the said Sumes of five shillings
Sterling should be in full Satisfaction for all Nevertheless the
said Officers beside the 5s Sterl exact another ffee not allowed
by the said Act for taking Bond, desire it may be more fully
explayned, that the Intent of five shillings for shipps of one
hundred Tunns and ten shillings for shipps of greater Burthen
was to be in full of all ffees and that no Collector or Navall
Officer exact more.
2. Notwithstanding it is provided by the said Act that all
Boats under eighteen foot by the Keele are to pass and repass
wthout pmitts &c. Unless they carry prohibited Goods, Yet
the Owners of such Boats are constrayned to enter into great
Bonds and pay for the Same to their great Damage and Dis-


couragement. By the said Act all Shallops and open Sloops
are to pay two shilling's and Six pence yearly for permitts and
no more, It was intended that one such should be allow'd and
approv'd of by the Navall Officers [and Collectors] within this
province yet the Mar of such shall[op and open] Sloop are
forced in every District to make Entry [thereof otherwise are
unjustly] prosecuted.
Proposed that if [the aforesaid Act do not already provide]
for the Inconvenience hereafter mentioned [it may be remedied
by] an Explanatory Act (Vizt) that shipps [coming from Eng-
land, or elsewhere] making a fair Entry and producing [lawfull
Cocquetts] may after such Entry made of any Sloop or Shallop
[transport] any of their Goods for which they have lawfull
Cocquetts to any River or Plantation in any other district then
where they at first made such entry without Molestation having
a Legall permitt for the same to produce (if required)

p. 10

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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