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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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356 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Hanson Mr Robert Smith Mr Scarborough Col: Herman and
Col: Codd.
The house being informed by the Comittee of Laws that
according to Ordr of the house they had sent for Col: Henry
Darnall who now attended upon the house.
Ordered that Major Dent and Mr. Clarke Goe to Col.
Henry Darnall and acquaint him that the house is not at
Leisure to enter upon the Debate wherein his attendance was
required, but soe soon as they shall they will give him notice

A Bill for Quieting Successions and Securing to the Suc-
cessive proprietary's their Rights & Rents for Surplussage
Lands read the first tyme.
A Bill appointing the Sevrall Justices of the Sevrall County's
and the Sevrall Vestrys to returne their proceedings yearly to
the Govr and Councill. Read the first tyme.
A Bill to prevent people driving away horses and Cattle
into the Woods read the first tyme.

p. 8

A Bill for Speedy Justice and Encouragemt of Trade. Read
the [first] tyme
Put to the Question if this Law shall constitute [more
Courts in the Wijnter then are already [appointed by act of]
Carryed [by majority of] Voices that no more Courts [be
thereby constituted] than what are already appointed [by act
of] Assembly.
Put to the Question if a Copy of the Declaration Sent with
the Writt ten days before Court and also filed in the Clarks
Office the Defdt shall not be obliged to come to tryall the
ensueing Court.
Carryed by Majority of Voices that he shall.
Richd Clarke appearing by Ordr of the house in Custody of
the Serjeant at Arms.
And it being alleadged that the said Richard Clarke had
reflected upon & abused sevrall of the Members of this
Ordred that the sd Richd Clarke be again comitted into the
Custody of the Serjt at Arms.
Whereupon the sd Richd Clarke withdrew.

p. 9

Also Ordered that the Serjt at Arms have the sd Richd
Clarke before this house before 5 of the Clock on Munday in
the Afternoon.
Capt Hill added to [the] Comon Laws.
Ordered that the sd Comittee [confer] with Colonel Henry
Darnall put to the [question if an act shall] be made to
impower the Comrs of [Kent County to purchase three] Acres

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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