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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 355

Fryday May the 8th 1696.

The house met and were absent Mr John Watson Col:
Hanson Mr Hutchins Mr Robert Smith Mr. Scarborough Col.
Herman & Col. Codd.
Then read over what was done yesterday.


Put to the Question that Whereas the Comrs of the port of
Williamstadt having agried with Mr. Nicholas Low for one
hundred Acres of [Land] for a Towne Comon at the price of
12000 l of tob: if [he] shall not be restored to his Title therein
unless the said [sume] of tob: shall be paid him by the next
Carryed by he shall unless the Tob:
be paid
Upon pe[rusall of Letters ] from his Excy our Govr to his
Excy Col: [Benjamin Fletcher ] Matys Govr of New York as
also Severall Letters [from] the said Gov' of New Yorke to
his Excy requiring a further Supply from this province for the
Assistance of New Yorke.
The house taking into Consideration that this province had
addressed his Maty to be relieved from that Burthen, to which
Address his Matys Gracious pleasure is not yet Signifyed.
Also reflecting that our selves are under the Same and no
greater Obligation then our Neighbouring Colony of Virginia
who have not as yet advanced any thing although We have
advanced the Sume of 333" 6s 8d sterl. Nor has the sd Gov-
ernmt of New Yorke taken any Care to make the Absolute
necessity of such Assistance required apparent to this house.
And considering the present ill Circumstances of this prov-
ince by the great Mortallity of Cattle Scarceness of provisions
and the great and Vast debts this province is engaged in, and
also the Misfortune of the Fleet expected from England not
being yet arrived rendring us incapable of Affording such
Put to the Question if any further Supply shall be sent
from this province to the Assistance of New Yorke.
Resolved nemine contradicente no further Supply to be
granted from this province for Assistance of New Yorke, nor

p. 6

any further Answer given to that Government as to that
Matter untill his Matys further pleasure shall be Signifyed
The above Resolve Sent [to] his Matys honble Councill by
Major Hamond and Major Dorsey.
House [adjourned for two hours]

Po[st meridiem]
The house [mett, and upon] calling over the following
members were [absent, vizt] Mr Watson Capt Bayn Colonel

p. 7

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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