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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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354 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Excy the Govr & his Matys honble Councill by Major Hamond
and Major Dorsey.

By the house of Burgesses May the 6th 1696.

We humbly thanke your Excy for your kind Invitation of our
Members; but our Comittees being sent out If We should
admitt of their Absence, We should be forced to adjourne and
cannot proceed upon the Country Busieness for Want of Suffi-
cient Members to make up an house.
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Cl: Assemb:

Major Hamond and Major Dorsey returne and say they
have delivered their Message.
Richd Clarke appearing here this Day in Custody of the
Serjt at Arms Ordered Henry Mathewsand Sarah his Wife be
called to appear and give Evidence agt the sd Clarke Henry

p. 5

Mathews and Sarah his Wife appearing in the house &
having first being sworne before Major Hamond one of his Matys
Justices of the provinciall Courts. The said Sarah deposed that
on Munday morning [being] the 4th Instant she saw the prisoner
upon a large [darke] Bay horse having an hanging [mayn] with
a [bobe tayle, and] branded on the nan Buttock thus * [the mid-
dle being scurffey] that Richd Clarke kept out of [the Road
along the fence] syde till out of the Gate and the[n put on
very ffast.]
Capt Bay[ne, one of the Members] of this House alleadged
That he lost [his horse on] Munday morning last having the
above Brand [and in] every particular the same as the said
Sarah had described.
Richd Clarke alleadged the horse was his owne and that he
would produce the Same before this house with all convenient
Ordered Richd Clarke be again comitted into Custody of
the Serjt at Arms.
Moved in the house that Richard Clarke may give Bayle
Whereupon put to the Question whether the said Clarke shall
be admitted to Bayle or not.

Carryed by Majority of Voices that he be admitted to Bayle

so that he appear before this house on fryday morning next.
At which tyme he is ordered to produce the said Horse
Mr Henry Dentons petition read And an Act by him pro-
posed for the Settling his ffees.
The house considering that to morrow is a day sett aside
by his Excy's proclamation for a publique thanksgiving
Adjourned untill 6. of the Clock on Fryday morning

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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