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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April yo-May 14, 1696. 353

3 The Attorney and Solicitor Genll5 Fees
Already Settled

4 The Collectors and Navall Officers ffees complaint being-
made that they take more then their Dues.

Already Settled

5. The Clarke of the Councills ffees, & the ffees to be
taken by the Clarke to the Govr and Councill for hearing
Appeals and Writts of Error.

Ordered Mr Henry Denton prsent a Schedule of such ffees.
6 That the Burgesses Allowances be also Setled.
provided for already by an Act of this province

7. Quaere whether provision and Corne being so scarce
whether it be thought necessary to hinder the Exportation
thereof to Virginia least the ffleet expected into this province
should want the same.

The house desire if his Excy thinks fitt that he would be
pleased to issue his proclamation agt the Exportacon of Corne.


8 That there be an Address Sent to his Maty about the
Congratulation, And that a Letter be writt to the Arch Bishop
and Bishop of London.

The House Concurr with his Excys Proposall

9 That a Law be made to explayne Beer Sydr and wine
Measure Resolved that all Beer to be sold in this province be
sold according Measures and Sydr according to
Wine Mea

10. That a Law [be made agt Ordinary] Keepers trusting
of Labourers and Seamen [too much, and that some Stint] be
put to the Same,

The Law [hath already Sufficiently] provided.

11. That a Law be [made that the inhabitants of the two
ports of Annapolis and William [Stadt] be exempt from the
penalty of the Act agt Forestallers and Regraters, and that the
said Law may not reach them

Resolved that the Actuall Inhabitants of the two ports of
Annapolis and William Stadt be exempt from the penalty of
the Act agt Forestallers & regraters.

Mr. John Edmondson's Lre to his Excy read in the house
The above proposalls & following Message Sent to his


p. 4

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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