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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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352 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


through with what they had already undertaken, but also dis-]
engage themselves from their prsent Incumbrances; [he also]
told them that he that once put his hand to the plow ought
not to look back and that he hoped that they had not only
well begun, but would goe through therewith so that he hoped
this might be said to be the finishing Assembly And then read
to them two Lres from Sr Thomas Laurence Barr' in Relation
to the publique Affairs of this province in England by him
After which Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members
returned to the house where Mr Speaker having taken the
Chair Adjourned the House for two hours.

Post Meridiem. The house mett. Absent

Mr Watson, Col: Hanson, Mr Hutchins, Mr Robt Smith,
Mr Scarborough Mr Jenkins, Col: Herman Col: Codd.

Mr Saml Watkins appears in the house and Crave's allow-
ance for a fatt of Bisquitt pressed from his prdecessor Mr
Andrew Abbington for the use of this province according to
former Ordr of the House and is referred to the Comittee of
Accompts for allowance therefore.
Moved in the house and put to the Question Mr Nicholas
Low having agreed with the Comrs of the Port of William
Stadt and sold them for the sd Town one hundred Acres of
Land at the rate of 500 l tob: p Acre or Lott, if the said Sume
of 500 l tob. ought not to be paid him by the severall persons
taking up the said Lotts.

P. 3

Carryed by Majority of Voices that it is the Opinion of this
House that Mr Low ought to be paid the sume of 500 l tob:
by each person taking up a Lott in the port of William Stadt
according to his Agreemt with the Comrs and in case they
refuse so to do, he has his Action at the Comon Law therefore.
Sevrall [proposalls] from [his Excy] before this house for
their Consideration passed. Debated and] resolved on as
followeth Imprs proposed that [the House will consult] whether
the 225 Acres layd out at [William Stadt for a towne and]
Comon or 200 Acres only (omitting the [25 acres) was
intended to] Stand.
Resolved that [the intent] of this House was 200 Acres only
as appears by our Journall.

2. That all ffees be settled Vizt the Chancellors ffees for
Sealing the Laws &c.

A Law already provided therefore.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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