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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 351   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 351

Recorded and Examined
Maryland ss. Journall of the House of Burgesses.
May the 6th Ao Dni 1696.

Whereas this house by his Excy Francis Nicholson Esqr his
Matys [Govr in chief] over this his province and Territory [there-
unto belonging] was prorogued from the fifth [day of this
month untill] this day being the 6th Instant According to the
said prorogation] they mett And Mr Speaker having [taken
the Chair] ordered the house to be called over.
Upon which the following members were absent Mr John
Watson Capt Thos Wawhop Col. Hans Hanson Capt Richd
Hill Mr Francis Hutchins Mr Edwd Boothby Mr Robert Smith.
Mr William Helmsley Mr Mathew Scarborough Mr Francis
Jenkins Col. Casparus Herman and Col: St Leidger Codd.
Major Hamond Mr Mason Mr Clarke Capt Tasker Major
Smithson and Major Thompson Sent up to his Excy to acquaint
him this house is mett according to prorogation yesterday And
desire his Excy would be pleased to impart to them what he has
to offer to this House.

Appointed of the Comittee of Aggrievances.

Major Smithson Mr Saunders Mr Frisby and Col: Peirce of
the Comittee of Laws.
Major Dent Mr Boothby Mr Clarke Mr Low Major

Then also appointed of the Comittee of Accompts.
Mr Mason Major Smith Mr Pollard and Mr Lingham.

Major Hafnond and the rest of the Members returne to the
House and say they have delivered their Message.
The honble Col: John Addison and Thomas Brooke Esqr
came downe from his Excy and Signifyed that his Excy required
their Attendance imediately at the Councill Chamber.

p. 1

House adjourned to the Councill Chamber Where being
admitted his Excy Thus bespoake them That he was sorry he
should come into the Country when It was so much in Debt,
And not only soe but the people divided amongst themselves,
yet he hoped they had now forgott all Differences and would
bend the utmost of their Endeavors for [his Matys and] the
Country's Service And proposes that [to answer the ends of this]
province they would lay an Additional [duty of 10s] upon
Negroes, and also continue the [additional duties of 3d p]
hogshd Whereby the Country would [not only be enabled to go]

p. 2

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 351   View pdf image (33K)
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