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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 350   View pdf image (33K)
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350 Assembly Proceedings, April 30—May 14, 1696.


desire some Satisfactory Answer to our former Message,
Upon which we shall readily proceed to such Busieness as his
Excy shall propose for his Matys Service and the Welfare of
this province.
Signd p Ordr
W Bladen CI: Assembly.

The above Message sent to the honble Councill by Mr
Jenkins Mr Hawkins Mr Lingham Mr Hutchison Mr Low
Mr Bosman Major Maxwell Major Ennalls Mr Dixon Mr
Frisby Col: pearce Mr Hicks & Col. Hinson.

Capt Hill Enters the house.

p. 28

Ordered that the Serjt at Arms take into his Custody Capt
Thos Waughop and Mr Edward Boothby Members of this
house who have not appeared this Afternoon according to
Adjournment And bring them before the house to answer their
Capt Waughop & Mr Boothby brought before this house
in Custody of the Serg' at Arms, Ordered they remain in
Custody untill they pay their ffees.
Mr Jenkins [and the rest of the Members] sent up to the
honble Councill [returns and say they have] delivered their

The house is [adjourned for an hour.]
The house again [mett.]

The honble Col: [George Robotham and] James Frisby Esqr
came downe from his Excy and [acquainted] the house that
Excv required their Attendance imediately at the Councill
Whereupon the house adjourne to attend his Excy at the
Councill Chamber where being admitted His Excy told them he
was sorry to send for them upon this Occasion to witt that there
should be difference between the honble his Matys Councill & the
house that he had never proposed any thing to them but for the
Honor of God his Matys Service & the Welfare of the province
to which the house had Voluntarily assented & that as for his
own particular he had never asked any thing of them. To
which Mr Speaker replyed that as he was but one of the house
so without their Advice & Consent he could make no reply
yet he durst undertake that the whole house believed that his
Excy had very honble Intentions to the house which had only
endeavoured to maynteyn its ancient priviledges. Then his
Excy told them he had found out an expedient to put an end
to their Differences, And thereupon prorogued them untill the
6th instant.
W Bladen Cl. Assembly

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 350   View pdf image (33K)
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