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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 349   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 349

The above Message sent to his Maty honble Councill by

Major Hamond Capt Bayn, Mr. Saunders, Major Smithson
Major Thompson Mr. Pollard, Mr Hooper, Mr Clarke Mr
Helmesley, Major Smith Major Dorsey Capt Tasker Mr
Mason Mr Ferry Major Smalwood & Mr. Hutchison Major
Hamond and the rest of the members returne to the house and
say they have delivered their Message.

The house adjourns till 12 a Clock.


Post Meridiem. House met Absent

Mr Watson Capt Waughop Col Hanson Mr Robert Smith
Mr Hutchin's Mr Scarborough Colonel Herman and Col. Codd

Mr Lingham & Mr Pollard sent to acquaint his Matys honble
Councill that the house is now sitting if they have any thing to
coniunicate to them.
Message from his Excy [the Govr and] Councill by the honbie
Colonel Charles Hutchins [and Colonel David Browne.]

By his Excy [the Govr and Councill May] the 5th 1696.

The Message by [Major Hamond and severall] othersof the
houses Members was received [and these two questions] asked
Vizt whether all the members were [prsent at that vote] pass-
ing & whether the same passed nemine con[tradicente (neither]
of which appearing upon the paper) And then some [further]
Answer shall be given therein which We hope in God will be
Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton Cl: Concil.

The which Message being read in the house Resolved
nemine contradicente the following Message to be sent up to
his Matys honble Councill.

By the house of Burgesses May the 5th 1696.

This house do wonder and are much agrieved at the
Unparliamentary proceedings and continuance of the Breach
of our priviledges by his Matys honbLe Councill that instead of
affording us the reasonable Satisfaction by this house desired
your Board should further proceed to infringe Our priviledges
by requiring to know what members were present or absent
when this house resolved upon sending the Message this Day
by Major Hamond and other Members of this house; yet for
Satisfaction of the honbLe Board We acquaint you the same was
resolved nemine contradicente therefore once more humbly

p. 27

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 349   View pdf image (33K)
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