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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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346 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


reasonable] Excuse why they did not appear here in [the
house according to] prorogation thereof are not excused, and
[ordered to pay the messengers] ffees and Charges that were
sent for them.

Whereas an Ordr of [his Excy] the Govr and Councill of
the first of May 1696 put up at the Door of this House order-
ing that the Clarks and other persons have recourse to their
severall Offices notwithstanding the sitting of the house of
Burgesses was brought before this house.
Resolved the following Message be sent up to his Matys
honble Councill.

By the house of Burgesses May the 4th 1696.

This house does highly resent and are much grieved to see
their priviledges so much intrenched upon by the honble his
Matys Councill as appears by a late paper affixed at the Door
of the House of Assembly at a publique meeting upon the
Sabbath Day, in which they endeavor to debarr them of that
Right which is due to the meanest and Inferior Court of this
Province to witt privacy and uninterruption, and more espe-
cially since this house considering the prsent inconveniencyes
have never debarrd the Clarks from their Offices further then
in prudence and our Duty to his Matys service required, and
therefore humbly desire the said paper in which our Rights
and priviledges are so trampled upon may not remain upon
the Journalls of the Honble Councill. For as We shall

p. 24

ever endeavor to the whole world to give an Ample testi-
mony of our Duty and Affection to his Excy and the honbLe his
Councill so likewise We shall endeavor to preserve the
Rights and priviledges We are intrusted with as representa-
tives of his Matys Loyall and dutifull Subjects of this province.
Sign'd p Ordr
[W: Bladen, Clk of] Assembly.

Sent by Mr Tasker [Major Hammond Mr Mason] Mr
Frisby Mr Clarke Mr Boothby Major [Smallwood Mr Lowe,]
Major Smithson & Col. pearce.
Mr Tasker and the [rest of the members] sent returne
to the House and say they have [delivered] their Message.
Mr Boothby added to the Comittee of Laws.
Ordered the Comittee of Laws send for Books papers
Records or any person or persons they shall think fitt to advise

The Keeper of the Great Seals Letter read in the house
relating to his ffees. Ordered that he bring in his Acct of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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