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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 345

That such doings will augmt the Terror with all the bad
Consequences of it, That it is improbable the province can pay
all those Bonds Bills and arrears in many years in ready tob:
that the house would consider some Way that such Debts may
be more easily paid and that without such terror and dread of

Imprisonmt Which may perhaps in some measure (at least in

the [terror of it) ] if his Lordps Agents and all publique
[officers be restrained] from having Writts of Execution by
[Ca. Sa., but only by fi. fa.] for 2 or 3 years & that negroes
and servants be exempted] from such Executions and that
husbandry [be more] encouraged by making Wheat and other
Grain pay especially for Bonds or Bills past for Land
at a greater Rate then in the prsent Act for encouraging
Tillage &c. considering the tob: such Difficult years as this
excepted) is now at lower price then when that Act was
made. That it is reasonable for his Lordp to take any pro-
duce of Land in paymt for Warrts because after he had
induced people to inhabit this province by that Condition oi
plantations by way of Rights, which was expected to have
perpetually continued, His Lordp (notwithstanding the people
by possessing considerable part of the Land and by forming
an Assembly by their Delegates seem to have had so great a
share and Interest in the Welfare of this province and things
relating to reallity) made alteration of the former Conditions
without their Assents, And though the present Condition ol
plantations be moderate; yet the prmises considered he having
made such alteration without consent of the people may accept
with reason such pay as the province is at prsent capable oi
affording, proposed further that the ffees of his Lordps Officers
being to be exacted from the people of this province may be
lymited by Law, It being most unreasonable that any authority
should be in this province, uncontroulable by the Legislative
power thereof.
Upon reading the Above Report, Tho: Smithson Chairman
The house are of Opinion that the Law has already provided
age the said Agrievances.
House adjourns for two hours.

p. 22

Post Meridiem the house met and upon calling over the fol-
lowing Members were absent Vizt

Mr Watson Col: Hanson Major Smith Major Dorsey Mr
Hutchins Major Dent Mr Hutchison Mr Boothby Major Max-
well Mr Smith Major Ennalls Mr Scarborough Col Herman
& Col: Codd.

Mr Edward Boothby appeared in the house.
Capt. John Bayne [Capt] Thomas [Waughop Mr.] Edwd
Boothby and Major James Maxwell [having tendered their

p. 23

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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