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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 347

the severall transcripts of Law &c to be regulated by the
Thomas Odall one of the Coroners of this County appear-
ing here in Custody of the Serjt at Arms and alleadging that
he did not comitt the Offence wherewith he is charged out of
any disobedience or disrespect to this house, but that he was
utterly ignorant of the priviledges thereof, and humbly beg-
ging pardon of the house.
Ordered he be discharged paying his ffees.
Ordered that the Serjt at Arms take Richard Clarke into
Custody and have him imediately before the house to answer
what shall be objected agt him.
Then appointed of the Comittee of Accompts, Mr Robert
Mason Mr George Lingham Major Tho Smith and Mr. John

Resolved the Act for recovery of small Debts be examined
and inspected by the house.

The house adjourne till 7 a Clock to morrow morning.


Tuesday May the 5th 1696.

The house met and upon calling over were absent Mr
Watson Col. Hanson Capt Hill Mr Hutchins Major Dent Mr
Boothby Mr Robert Smith Mr Low Mr. Helmsley Major
Ennalls Mr. Scarbourough aud Colonel Herrman.
Message from [his Excy the Gov' and Councill] by the honble
Col. George Robotham Col: [Nicholas Greenbury and Capt]
John Courts Vizt

By his Ex[cy the Govr and Councill] May the 4th 1696.

The Message by [Capt. Tasker and severall] others of the
houses Members sent has been here [read and considered,] in
Answer whereto his Excy is pleased to declare that [by the
order] of Councill of the first of May instant relating to the
Clark's and other persons having Recourse to the Offices &c.
It was not intended that the priviledges of the house should be
any ways encroached upon, neither does this Board take it to
be any breach at all, but on the Contrary do hold it to be a
breach of Magna Charta and of the Libertyes of the people
that the Kings Offices should be shutt up especially consider-
ing Recourse might be had to the same through the Comissary's
Office, without going through the place where the house sitts.
And it is recomended by this Board to the house that they
would peruse the severall Copyes of the County Levyes here-
with sent in order to make Inquiry and Examine, whether there

p. 25

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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