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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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344 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


censured in the sume of 100l: tob: to the use of the poor of
that County he represents, And carryed in the Affirmative.
Capt Thomas Waughop Mr Robert Mason & Mr. Philip
Clarke and Mr George Lingham for their having been absent
are censured according to the aforegoing Vote each in the
Sume of 100l tob: to the use before declared.

p. 21

Then read over what was done on Saturday last.
Major Hafnond and Major Dorsey returne and say they
have delivered their Message.
A Member of this house moving that the Vestry of Coven-
try parish in Somersett County having a considerable sume
of tob: in their hands desire of this house whether
they shall or build a School.
Put to the Qu[estion and carryed by a] Majority of Voices
that they purchase [a Glebe therewith]

Then [appointed the comittee] of Laws.

Capt Richard Hill [Major John] Thompson Mr Philip Clarke
Mr Willm Helmesly and Mr. Nicholas Low.

The sd Comittee sent out.

Major Thomas Smithson Chairman of the Comittee of
Agrievances presents the following Reporte.

By the Comittee of Agrievances proposed 2d of May 1696.

That it is too apparent and manifest that the Inhabitants of
this province do in great Numbers remove themselves from
hence to other Colonyes, that the great Levyes in many
County's arise from the number of poor Children & distressed
people that many Women and Children are brought into such
distress by their husbands leaving them and the Creditor
seizing all they have that in many County's the goals are full,
and it manifestly appears the Charges of severall County's are
thereby increasing by reason the fathers of many poor familys
are imprisoned and undone, and their Children consequently
come on the Countyes.
That not only the meanest but very many more Substantiall
Housekeepers have now exposed their reall Estates to Sale at
halfe the Worth, and prepare to depart. That there is no
doubt but that Debt and terror of Suite is the principall Cause.
That the Lord proprietary by his Bonds taken for Warrts
and Arrears of Rent and the publique Officers for their ffees
are now become the Cred" of Vast and imense sumes, which
(especially my Lords) are now threatened to be levyed with
Rigor though scarce demanded before this last unseasonable

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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