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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 341   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 341

that porte unless his Stay shall exceed forty eight hours, and
a penalty be inflicted upon the Officer transgressing therein.
That some priviledges [be given to] them that are or shall
be Inhabitants [of that porte and] Town at present, or shall come
within [two years hereafter and] actually reside within the
same for [seven years together] thence ensuing, shall them-
selves with [their posterities] have and enjoy all priviledges
now [to be granted or] which hereafter at any tyme shall be
gra[nted forever.] And to find out some way or other to en-
courage them it is proposed, That no Inhabitant of the said
port be lyable to be arrested in any County of the province or
other place save within the Libertyes of the said Town and
porte, That the Inhabitants of the Towne pay no County Levy
nor to have to do with any County Roads clearing but what
are in or about the said Town, That an Act pass empowering
the Townspeople to purchase a Comon, And for the Comis-
sioners of the said Towne to make by Laws with power to fyne
any psons Inhabitants comitting breach thereof in such sume
to be ascertayned.
To assess the Conduit made at the publique Charge. That
the Comon be well cleared with the points of Land and the
place dividing the Comon to be well ditched.
That an handsome pair of Gates be made at the coming in
of the Town and two tryangular Houses built for the Ranger.
To have the Way from the Gate to go directly to the top of
the Hill without the Towne and to be ditched on each syde
and set with Quick setts or some such thing.
That parte of the Land lying upon the Creek by Major
Dorseys house where his Excy at present lives be sett aside
for publique Buildings and if in case the same happen to come
within any of the said Majors Lotts proposed that Land be
given him elsewhere


To have in the said Towne two fairs a year, and no person
coming thither to be arrested for one day before the sd ffair
and one day after.
That some Ordrs of Assembly be made about the School and
Church. To confirm by a Law the three or four Roads his
Excy [has lately caused to be] made leading to this Towne
[theounty be obliged] to keep them.
That forty [foot space be left along] the Water syde within
the port of [Annapolis for any person] to build Ware houses
upon if the owners [of such lotts that] front upon the same do
not build thereon in [such a] tyme to be sett.
That the holes made by grubbing up Stumps and cutting
of topps of Stones &c in the said port be filled up.
All which proposalls relating to the Encouraging and Ad-
vancing of the port of Annapolis.

p. 18

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 341   View pdf image (33K)
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