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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 342   View pdf image (33K)
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342 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


This house are of Opinion that if his Excy pleases to grant a
Charter unto the port of Annapolis he may thereby grant unto
the Inhabitants thereof all reasonable priviledges and imunityes
as to his Excy shall seem fitt As to assessing the Conduit at
the publique Charge.
This house thinke the Charge thereof so inconsiderable
that if the Inhabitants of this port have a mind to have such
Conduit Built they may easily contribute and provide for the
same. As to the Land to be sett aside for publique Builders,
this house concurrs with his Excys proposall, and are willing
that Major Dorsey (if any the Land fall within his Lotts) may
have other Land therefore in some other parte of the Town.
Message from his Matys honble Councill &c by Mr. Henry
Denton Cl of the Council By the Councill in Assembly &c.
May the 2d 1696.
It being moved at the Board that some Reasons might be
given upon a proposall yesterday layed before the house

p. 19

touching Shipps now in the Country inductive to their
Addressing his Excy that he would be pleased to Suffer the
Same to be cleared do therefore offer to the Consideration of
the house the following Reasons, to the End if the house thinks
them Sufficient & propper they may joyne with them therein.

First it is reprsented

That if the [shipps gett home, his Maty] will get his Cus-
2. The Seamen [may be serviceable] to his Maty when got
3. The Worme [may endanger their Shipps] by staying
in the Country besides provisions [are very scarce here.]
4. That if the Shipps [should] be stopt to go in a Fleet
together there are but two Londonners of any force, and the
rest ly Scattered in other ports.
5. It is observed that shipps that Sumer here do usually
stay till the next Spring, by reason of mens falling sick in the
Country. Signd p Ordr
Hen. Denton Cl. Concil.

The above Message being read in the house and considered
Voted nemine contradicente that W Bladen Clarke of this
house go up to their Matys honble Councill with the following

By the House of Burgesses May the 2d 1696.

Upon perusall of the Message delivered this house by the
Clarke of the Councill relating to Shipps in the Country, We
humbly desire the Opinion of the honble Councill if the said

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 342   View pdf image (33K)
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