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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 340   View pdf image (33K)
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340 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


the Church of England of such protestants being marryed by
a Minister of the said Church first.
Resolved that the Laws have Sufficiently provided therefore.

House adjourned for two hours.

Post Meridiem house mett. Absent.

Mr Watson Capt Bayne Col. Hanson Capt Hill Mr. Ling-
ham Mr Hutchins Major Dent Mr Boothby Major Maxwell,
Mr. Robert Smith, Major Ennalls Mr. Scarborough Col. Her-
man & Col: Codd.

p. 16

Then the house proceeded to further Consideracon of the
proposalls yesterday layd before them, and voted & resolved
thereon as folioweth Vizt
24th His Excy finding that the Inhabitants of Somersett
County are [still dissatisfyed] and [cannot] yet agree about
placing of the [Court house within] the said County, Does
therefore propose [that the said County] be divided into two
Countys Vizt [the sea board side to] make one County and
the Bay Side [the other]
The house are [since] informed that the said Inhabitants
are agreed, have built their Court house and desire no such
25th That the Comittee (by a Resolve of the house) ap-
pointed in May Assembly last to inspect the Accompt of the
one shill: per hogshead since the Revolution their Report
be examined and taken into Consideration according to
referrence of the house made last Sessions.
Resolved that the said Reporte be layd before the house.
26. That Colonel Herman be discoursed with to know
whether the Stad' house will be covered before Winter and
that he be obliged to secure the same Safely from the Weather
before that tyme if he cannot finish it.
Referred till Col. Herman appear in the house, And in Case
he do not take Care to do the same.
Ordered the Overseers of the publique Worke take Care
to see the same secured.
27. Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to prosper his
Matys forces both by Sea and land, proposed that a Day be
appointed to be sett asyde for the same according to an Ordr
of Councill last March, especially for the happy news of his
Matys Safe Return being suspended until now for the more
Solemne pformance thereof.
This house humbly desire his Excy will appoint a Day there-

p. 17

28. That a Clause be incurred in the Act for Towns that no

person coming to the port of Annapolis be arrested within

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 340   View pdf image (33K)
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