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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 339

Voted and resolved that a Law be considered of for redress-
ing the Same:
16. That a Law be made to ascertayn the Bounds of all
Lands taken up in this province according to proposall made
last Assembly.
Voted that a Law for Quieting possessions be consid-
ered of.
17th That a Conditionall Law be made about Runaway
Servts and Debtors running out of this province into Virginia
for taking such Runaways up and liberty to Sue &c provided
a Reciprocall Law be made for the same in Virginia.
If Virginia will make such a Law, this house is willing to
do the Same.
18. That more ports be made.
Voted that no more ports be made untill our Act for
Advancemt of Coyns be passed, according to former Vote of
this house.
19. That such Horses as are allowable by the Law to be
killed be taken up and sold to the use of the poor of the
Resolved that there is a Law of this province relating to
horses which is thought very Sufficient.


20th That there be a person appointed to execute the
Office of Muster Master or Agitant upon each syde the Bay,
who shall be obliged to muster and see exercised the severall
Troopes and Companyes Six tymes every year besides the
General Muster, and that two pounds of tob: p poll be settled
upon each of the said Officers.
Voted [and Resolved that this] Province is not in any
Capacity [to comply with the] proposall, or Settle any such
ffee upon [such Muster Master] the Agitant being already
farr in [gaged in vast sumes of] money and tob:
21. That what [money is already] received by the Duty
upon ffurrs &c. be layd [out toward the] building of a small
school House and maynteyning a School Mar according to
proposall made last Assembly.
Voted and resolved that the said mony be kept in Banck.
22. That an Ordinance pass for the Levy to be layd by the
Govr and Councill and Justices of the provintiall Court in the
Voted if according to the proposall if the Levy shall be so
layd, and rejected nemine contradicente the same being an
infringemt of the Right of the Subject.
23. That a Law be made that what priests hereafter come
into the Country be obliged to produce their Orders in such
a tyme and that they presume not to marry any protestant to
a papist without receiving a Certificate from some Minister of

p. 15

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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