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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 338   View pdf image (33K)
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338 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


p. 13

without passes &c bearing date the 25th of Janry following
hath prescribed.
Voted that there is a Law already Sufficiently providing agl
persons travelling without passes, And this house are induced
to believe such strict handling of Seamen will hinder and
obstruct our Navigation Designes, they being thereby terri-
fyed coming into this province.
10th That an Act [pass no Testimonials] be sent out of
England (whereby to pro[ve a Judiciall proceeding) ] be
taken for good & authentick unle[ss the same be signed and]
come out of the plantation Office.
Voted [and Resolved that the] Laws of England and of
this [Province have] very well provided for what shall be
[authenticke] testimony and therefore the same is thought
11th That it be put to the Lawyers whether the Customary
way of issuing Comcons in Chancery for examining of Wit-
nesses (in perpetuam rei memoriam) to prove the antient
Bounds of Lands within this Province ought to be taken and
held for legall proof, and whether many inconveniences may
not arise through Admittance of such proofe.
Thought that no inconvenience can arise thereby for if that
the Witnesses be alive their testimony must be had viva voce.
12th That part of the Revenue taken by Sr Edmond
Andros when he assumed the Governmt be inquired into &
examined by the house.
Resolved that his Maty be addressed therein.
13. That a law be made for parents to bring their Children
frequently to be catechised, and that the Ministers call upon
them frequently according to proposall made in September
Voted that the Ministers frequently admonish the Childrens
parents in their Severall Parishes which are of their Comunity
that they send them to be catechised

p. 14

14. That the frontier plantations be seated with three or
four able hands as formerly proposed
Resolved that this Province is not in any Capacity to effect
the same
15. For regaining the publique Credditt of the Country
his Excy as formerly in [May Assembly does] now again
propose that all publique Levy[s and fees be made out] and
sent by such a certain tyme [of the year to the Sherriffe] and
that there be appointed two [three or more substantiall] per-
sons in every County who will undertake [to bring all such]
tob: to two or three certain places in [the said Counties,] and
they to be continued to execute the Office of [Sherife] for 6.
or 7. years together.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 338   View pdf image (33K)
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