Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 337
or partyes undertaking the said house to have a lease of it for
so many years.
The house thinke such Bridewell or house of Correction
very necessary & convenient, but that the present ill Circum-
stances of this Province will not admitt the beggining or carry-
ing on of any more building then already undertook.
5th That a law be made for the Justices of the County
Courts to returne yearly a Copy of their County Levy to be
signed by the severall Justices, as also for the Vestry's to
send a Copy of their whole proceedings (as by them kept) to
the Govr and Councill in order to be examined and so to be
done yearly, to be signed by the Minister all the Vestrymen
and Church Wardens, first for fear of any Accident of fire
that Recourse may be had to them, 2dly that it may be seen
whether they keep their Acc's registred, And that after such
examination they be transmitted into the Court of Chancery
there to remain.
Resolved that a Bill be prepared therefore.
6th That an Explaynatory Law be made how the Clark's of
the Vestry's and parish shall be paid.
Resolved the house will inspect the Act relating to the 40 l
p poll.
7th To have a [severe law] made agt persons that take
up Wild horses and [keep them, that persons] meeting with
any Waife or Stay [horses about any Plantation] be oblidged
to take them up and [carry the same to the next] Magistrate,
who (if the said horse [be taken up on the] Westerne Shoar) is
to send an Acct thereof [to the port of Annapolis] with the
Colour marke and Size &c. and [if on the] Eastern Shoar to
the port of William Stadt that Encouragemt be proposed to
the takers up. That a Clause be added to the Act appointing
Ferryes that no led horse be ferryed over Potomack River but
such as shall have particular passes, and that the fiferrymen be
cautious how they sett over any ordinary man with a good
Voted and Resolved that a Law be considered of to pre-
vent the Great Abuses of persons driving Horses in the
woods. As for carrying horses over potomack out of this
province into Virginia, there is an Act or Law of that Colony
agt it.
8th To Strengthen the Law for regulating the Militia
according to former proposall Vizt in giving them more
power. Put to the Question And Resolved that there is
Sufficient power already given them.
9th That a Law pass to effect what his Excys proclamation
(touching Pensilvania Trade) bearing date the 17th of Augt
past and an other proclamation prohibiting Seamen travelling
p. 12