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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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336 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Satur[day May the 2d] 1696.

The house met [and being called over] the following mem-
bers were Absent Vizt Mr. [Watson Mr.] Clarke Capt Bayne
Col. Hanson Mr. Hutchins Major Dent Mr. Boothby Major
Maxwell Mr. Robt Smith Major Ennalls Mr. Scarborough Mr.
Bosman Col. Herman and Col Codd.

Mr. Clarke enters the house.
Then read over what was done yesterday.

Mr Francis Jenkins appearing in this house as a Deputy for
Somersett County, Mr. Speaker and Severall other members
affirming that he had taken the usuall Oaths and subscribed
the Test, Ordered the sd Mr Jenkins take his place in the
One of the members of this house complayning that Mr
Thomas Odall one of the Coroners of this County had
pressed his Serv' in Violation of the priviledges of this house.
Ordered the Serj'at Arms take the said Odall into Custody
and have him imediately before this house to Answer the said
Resolved that the Serjt at Arms attending this house have
two shill: and six pence as a fee from every person comitted
to his Custody and the like fee for their Releasem'
The house proceed to considr of his Excys proposalls yester-
day layd before them, And thereupon do Vote and resolve as
1. The Ordr of Council! of the 17th of Augt 1695 about
seating the Indian Land referrd from the last to this Sessions.
The Consideration thereof referred until Munday morning.

p. ii

2. The Report of the Comittee appointed to State the
publique Revenue in May 1695, and the Addressing his Maty
that the Qr part of the Sume due from Govr Copleys Estate
may be appropriated to the service of this province for de-
fraying the necessary Charges thereof.
This house are of [opinion] that nothing is to be had of
Govr [Copley's Estate, or if there] were the same is already
given by [his sacred Maty to the] Govr Copley's Children.
3 Whether Ski[ns and furrs out] of Pensilvania &
shipt here ought not to pay [duty ] others exported.
The house are of opinion the Law is already Sufficient that
such Skinns and furrs pay the Dutys as others upon Expor-
4. To have a Bridewell, and to se if any person will
undertake to build and keep it, that all idle and Vagrant per-
sons may be taken up and put to worke there, and the party

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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