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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 335   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 335

Major John Hamond and the other members of the Com-
ittee sent up to his Excy the Govr in Councill with the follow-
ing Message.

By the house of Burgesses May the Ist 1696.

This house upon Report of the Comittee appointed to con-
sider of his Excys proposalls relating to the additionall Conve-
niences to be made [to the new Court House] Signifye to
yor Exrcy that We are [well satisfied that the] Same are not
only well designed but [really necessary and] benificiall;
however the prsent Circumst[ances this Province] lyes under
will not admitt us to launch out [money to carry] on the
Same, therefore this house desire Colonel [Herman] may pro-
ceed according to former Agreenr
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Cl Assembly.

Col: Herman imploy'd in building the new Stad' house
desiring leave to go up the Bay in order thereto Leave is
given him. Mr Francis Hutchins writing to the house that
his wife was newly delivered and that he could not leave her,
his Absence is excused.

Voted and Resolved by the house nemine contradicente,
That all Absent Members not appearing in the house at the
tyme appointed nor Sending any reasonable excuse therefore
shall be sent for by a Messinger and shall pay such Charges
as this house shall thinke reasonable to allow the sd Messinger
upon bringing in his Acct thereof, and pay such fyne as this
house shall impose, or give security for so doing, or otherwise
Stand comitted to Custody of the Serjt at Arms untill Satisfac-
tion made.

Resolved in the house nemine contradicente that Mr
Speaker issue his Warr' to the Serjt at Arms to send messin-
gers for & to take into Custody and bring before this house
Capt Thomas Waughop Capt John Bayne Mr Edward Boothby
Major James Maxwell and Col: St Leidger Codd members of
this house who have not appeared according to prorogation
there to answer their contempt therein.

p. 9

Comittee of Agrievances appointed
Major Smithson Mr Saunders
Mr Frisby Col: Pearce

Ordered Mr Couey have notice the house will go to
prayers every morning at 6 of the Clock.
House [is adjourned till 7 a Clock] to morrow morning

p. 10

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 335   View pdf image (33K)
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