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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 334   View pdf image (33K)
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334 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


Major John I Iaiuond Chairman
Major Edwd Dorsey Sam: Watkins appointed Cl by
Mr Francis Jenkins the sd Com
Mr John Pollard

The said Comittee adjourned to speake with his Excy
Adjourned for an hour.
1. It is reported by this Comittee to the sd house of
Assembly that a method be taken for the Clarks to go up
to their Offices without going through the house of Assembly.
2. That a law pass or an ordinance of Assembly be made
for Seperate Rooms to be built in the Stad' house for the

p. 8

severall Offices Vizt for the provincial Office Land Office
Comissarys Office County Court Office and Clarke of the
Councills Office and that a Barr be placed at the Door of each
Office within which no person whatsoever shall [come] save
the Clarke, And that no Clarke [presume] under a certain
penalty to carry any [Record Booke or pubjlique papers out
of their respective Offices without] comanded by his Excy the
Governor [or Assembly.]
3. That 2 Jury Rooms [be made] and a passage through
the middle of the [house that] the Offices may be on one
syde and the Jury Rooms on the other Syde.
4. That the End of the passage be the Entrance into the
porch Chamber.
5. That a Barr be made for the Grand Jury to be kept
6. A seat for the Cryer be made in some convenient place
in the Stad' house.
7. An outward Barr for the prisoners and a Stepp or two
for the Witnesses be made.
8. That a Chimney be carryed up at the other end of the
Stad' house from the first Story &c.
9. The Back porch to be as bigg as the fore porch.
These things we find will be necessary and of use to this
province to be made in the new Court house, and are not
comprized in the Agreemt with Colonel Herman.
Also We further Report that We have dscoursed Col:
Herman who demands for making the Back porch 110 l Sterl:
as for the other Additionall Conveniences Col. Herman leaves
the Same to the house to be considered of and allowd for by
the Country when finished.
Reported to the house of Assembly.
Saml Watkins Cl Com.

The above Report read & Considered.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 334   View pdf image (33K)
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