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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 333   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 333

Mr Clarke and Major Thompson returne to the house and
say that his Excy will send some of the honble Councill to this
house to administer the Oathes required unto Mr Willm
Capt Hill Mr Clarke Major Thompson Mr Tasker and Mr.
Frisby sent to his Excy the Govr with the following Message.

By the house of Burgesses May the Ist 1696.
To his Excy the Govr in Councill &c.
May it please yor Excy

This house being mett according to yor Excys proro-
gation are ready to receive what your Excy has to offerr to us
that We may proceed to the Dispatch of the publique Con-
cerne of this Province.
Signed p Ordr

W Bladen Cl Assembly.

Mr. Lingham enters the house.

Put to the Question if Mr. Mason and Mr. Lingham for not
attending the house shall not be censured therefore Carryed
in the negative.


The honble Colonel Robotham Col: Greenberry, Col: Hutch-
ins and Colonel Browne came downe from his Excy the Govr
& Councill and in presence of this house administered the
Oathes appointed by Act of parliament instead of the Oathes
of Allegiance and Supremacy unto Mr William Helmsley
according to the Request of this house
the sd Mr Helmsley Subscribe the Test.
They also bring [down sevrall Ires relating] to New Yorke
for the perusall of [this house]
Also lay before [the house severall] proposalls from his
Excy Capt Hill Mr. Cla[rke, Major Thompson] Mr Tasker and
Mr Frisby returne to the house [and say that] they have deliv-
ered their Message to his Excy who had already sent down to
the house.
Major John Hafnond and the rest of the Members yesterday
appointed a Comittee to consider of his Excys proposalls about
the new Court House and Additionall Conveniences enter the
house and prsent the following Report.

Maryland ss. At a Speciall Comittee appointed by the
Generall Assembly of this province for inspecting into the
further Addition to the Stadt House met at the house of Mr
Thomas Blackwell this first day of May 1696.

p. 7

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 333   View pdf image (33K)
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