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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 332   View pdf image (33K)
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332 Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696.


John Hamond, Mr John pollard, Major Edwd Dorsey and Mr
Francis Jenkins be a Comittee appointed to sitt at Mr Black-
wells and consider of the afd proposalls to examine what is
convenient to [be done therein,] to discourse Col: Herman
what he req[uires for doing thereof,] and to make their Report
to the house by [ten a clocke to-morrow] morning.
Also Resolved that the sd [Committee give notice] to the
Councill when they sitt.

The House [is adj] [a clock] to morrow morning.

Fryday M[ay the Ist] 1696.

The house being mett and called over, Mr Watson, Capt
Waughop Mr Mason Capt Bayne Col: Hanson Mr Lingham
Mr Hutchins Major Dent Mr Hutchison, Mr Boothby Major
Maxwell, Mr Robert Smith Major Ennalls, Mr Bosnian Mr
Scarborough and Col. Codd, were absent.
Mr Bosnian sending word to the house by one of the mem-
bers thereof that his Wife was like to dye, so that he cannot
well leave her, his Absence is excused.
Severall Members of this house alleadging Mr Robert
Smith lyes dangerous ill of the Gripes, his Absence is excused.
Major John Thompson and Mr Philip Clarke sent to his
Excy the Govr and Councill to desire some of that Board may
be sent to this house to administer the Oathes usually taken
by the members of this house unto Mr William Helmsley lately
chosen a Deputy for Talbott County.
Thomas Martin of Talbott County planter appearing before
the house in Custody of the Serjt at Arms, The said Martin
having yesterday been publiquely drunke and debauched by
swearing & the like in the face of the whole Country Vizt in
view of all or most of the members of this house.
Put to the Question in what sume the said Martin shall be
censured therefore, Carryed by Majority of Voices in the sume
of twenty shillings Sterl.

p. 6

Ordered that the Serjt at Arms attending this house have
twenty shill sterl from the sd Thos Martin as his fee for keep-
ing him in Custody twenty four hours.
Ordered the Serjt at Arms attending this house take into
his Custody the [sevrall members] of this house which are
actually [in Towne and have not] yet appeared in the house
so that [we have them imm]ediately before the house that
they may [shew cause why] they have not attended.
Mr. Robert Mason [enters the house]
Major Thomas Ennalls [sent in] his Excuse to this house
by two of the Members thereof and signifying his readyness

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 332   View pdf image (33K)
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