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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 331

three small Jury Rooms made and a passage through the
middle of the house, so that on the one Syde the said Rooms
may ly, and on the other syde the Offices, And that the End
of the passage be the Entrance into the porch Chamber by
which means all Rooms will be private. That Dutch Stoves
be sent for to be kept in the Offices. That the Court house
Table have severall Boxes made in it for the ready laying by
of & securing the Clerks and lawyers papers that there be a
contrivance within the Barr for the Grand Jury to be kept to-
gether in, A Seat for the Cryer made to sitt above the rest of
the people an outward Barr for the prisoners and a Step or
two for the Witnesses to stand to be seen above the rest, and
one or two Galleryes, and that the Court house be paved at
least six foot round, that good Store of Oyster shells be layd
round the house especially at the lower End where it is most
Sandy, and that the pavmt come upon that to be layd with a
Discent every way to carry the Water off. That the said house
be paled in at the same distance the porch bears from it, that
at some distance from thence severall posts be sett up to hang


horses on, To Contrive a [pissduit] And house of Office some
where near the stad' house. That a Chimney be carryed up
at the other End of the Stad' house from the first Story above,
To have the Back porch as bigg as the fore porch, and to
have another [porch at the] Lower End for the Town and
County Offices.
Quere how the [Clerkes can go up to] their Offices without
going through [the house where the] Assembly sitts.
To have a place built [upon pillars] betwixt the Stadt house
and school with a Room above for the Councill to sitt in. To
be left upon Record what parts of the foundation of the Stadt
house are [piled] and what manner of earth the said foundation
consists of And that the Acct be given by the Bricklayers.
Quere whether or no A pulpit and a reading Desk can not
be now made for to Serve in the sd Stadt house at prsent and
which may serve for the Church hereafter in the Church to be
That in the Chimneys that are made in the Stadt house there
be no manner of wood placed about or nigh the same if
possible but that they be done with all the security imaginable.
That the Stadt house be shingled upon planke and not upon
Hen: Denton Cl Concil.

p. 4

The above proposalls and the Agreemt with Colonel Her-
man for building the sd Court House being read put to the
Question and Resolved (nemine contradicente) that Major

p. 5

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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