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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
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32 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694.

p. 9

same time had Administered Unto him the Oathes appointed
by Act of Parliament instead of the Oathes of Allegiance &
Supremacy, as also the Usuall Oath of Clerke of that house &
likewise subscribed to the Test the which was Signifyed to the
house by the said Lomax whoe had Likewise Coppy of the
Clerks Oath given him for Satisfaction of the House.

Post Meridiem

Read Proclamation relateing to the ffast which being
Approved off by the Board was Ordered to be prepared
ready to pass the seale & Authentick Coppyes of the same
made to be sent to the severall Counties of the •province, in
Order to be published.
Adjourne till to Morrow Morning Eight a Clock

September 22th 1694:
Covncill again sate & were Present as Yesterday

Clerke of this board sent to the house of Assembly to
acquaint them that his Exncy expected their Attendance at the
Covncill Chamber to heare his Majties Royall Comission to
him for being Governor of Maryland Read, Whoe returnes &
sayes that they will waite upon his Exncy Accordingly Procla-
macon appointing the fast &ca passed the Broad Seale.
Ordered to be published in the Citty this Morning:
The House of Assembly come up to whome his Exncy
declared that he Understood it was Usuall to have the Kings
Comission publickly read in the Assembly and for that Cause
he had now sent for them, the which was accordingly pro-
duced & Read Unto them as likewise Comission of Vice
Post Meridiem.

Again Sate & were present as before Except Coll
Message from the House by Mr Boothby & Three other
Members Signifyeing their being Mett yesterday & To day
pursuant to an Instruction yesterday sent them therefore
desired to know what his Exncy had to impart Unto them.
His Exncy acquaints them that they shall have an Accot
The following Instructions Ordered to be drawne forth Vizt

Ist Conversion of Negros & Indians Recomended.
2dly ffor restraining Masters in humane severities agt Chris-
tian Servants.
3dly Table of Marriages.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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