Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 33
4thly Against Drunkenness & Blasphemy.
5thly about publick Stock for Building public Worke
6thly Supply to the Governor
7thly Expences of the Burgesses to be Moderated.
The Aboue Instructions were drawne forth at Large Exam-
ined & sent Attested under the Clks hand together with the
ffollowing Letters & papers.
The Queens Letter of the 16th of August 1692: concerning
Ports with a paper Superscribed.
An Act for Setling of ports, and for Laying a duty vpon
Report upon Certain Laws passed in the Assembly of
Copy 12 December 1691: Report from the Commissioners
of the Customes upon a Virginia Act.
The Queens Letter concerning Bulk Tobacco dated July the
19th 1692.
The Queens Lettr Touching a Supply to New York The
11th day of October 1692.
Governr of New Yorkes Lettr 8th Janry 1693.
Governr of New Yorkes Lettr 29th July 1693.
New Yorke Estimate for the Defence of Albany.
Governr of New Yorkes Lettr' 2d of March 169
Governr of New Yorkes Lettr 9th of October -93
Governr of New Yorkes Lettr 27th of July 1693.
Robert fforemans Deposition & peticon of Kent County by
Mr Tench & Capt Courts whoe likewise at the same time
carryed the following Message to present.
p. 10
By his Excncy the Governr & Covncill &ca
September 22th 1694:
You have herewith sent Coppy of Severall Instructions
from his sacred Majtie to his Exncie Recomended to the Con-
sideracon of your house And as to his Majties Royall Instruc-
tions concerning a further Supplye for the better Support of
the Governr his Exncy is pleased to let the house knowe that as
to his owne particular, considering how much the Countrey is
in Debt & what absolute Necesity there will be for discharge-
ing the same & for the raiseing of such a fund as shall be
Answerable to the Necessary Charge for the publick good of
this province he does not insist upon any particular Addition
to what their Majties have been graciously pleased to allow
him. Signed p Ord'
Hen: Denton Clk Councill