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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 20-Oct. 18, 1694. 31

Coll Hutchins & Coll Browne sent downe to the House to
acquaint them that his Exncy expects their Attendance in the
Covncill Chamber presently.

They Returne & say that the House are comeing up.
They Accordingly Appeare.
His Exncy acquaints them that he Understands that all but
three had taken the Oathes & Subscribed to the Test pursuant
to his Majties Royall Instructions & as the Law directs there-
fore he willed them to Repare to the House again & choose
their Speaker & present him to this Board & then it should
be given them in Charge what to proceed upon.
Read his Exncies Speech designed to be Spoken to the
house of Burgesses wch was well approved off by the Board.
Petition of the Inhabitants Scituated upon the South Side
of Patapsco River praying that they may be Rejoyned to the
Covnty of Ann Arrundell as formerly they were wch being
Read, Ordered that the said peticon be sent to the house of
Assembly for their consideracon.
Petition of John Deveghe whoe prayes to be Naturalized
Referred to the House.
The House of Assembly appeare again & present Mr Robert
Smith to be their Speaker & Thereupon his Exncy was pleased
to Signifye to them in Manner following Vizt

That God Almighty may bee Solemnly implored I have
with the advice of their Majties Honble Covncill appointed a
fast & day of Humiliation to be kept (& the Several! Reasons
for soe doeing you may see in the proclamacon for it) And
doe not Doubt but that your House will cordially observe the
day appointed.

I have severall things to Impart to you concerning Religion
their Majties service the good & wellfare of this province (which
you may be assured their most Sacred Majties doe & will most
gratiously take especiall care of) To Innumerate the severall
particulars to you, I think not soe proper at this time but when
you agree to have them laid before you they shall After-
The Speaker humbly desired free Access at all times to his
Exncys person with protection for himselfe & the rest of the
members in all their priviledges, the which his Exncy did
Assure them off.
They desire that Mr Cleybourn Lomax may be admitted
their Clerke which was Granted & Comission given him at
the Board Under the Lesser Seale of the province & at the

p. 8

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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