Priviledges we are Intrusted with as Representatives of his
Majestys Loyal and dutiful Subjects of this Province
Signed p Order
W Bladen Clk Assembly
Ordered that an Answer to the same be drawn up to be
sent which was done as follows vizt
By his Excellency the Governor and Council &c
May the 4th 1696
The Message by Captain Tasker and several other of the
House Assembly sent has been here read and Considered in
answer whereto his Excellency is pleased to declare that by
the Order of Council of the first of May Instant relating to the
Clerks and other Persons having Recourse to the Offices &c
it was not intended that the Priviledges of the House should
be any ways Encroached upon neither does this Board take it
to be any Breach at all but on the Contrary do hold it to be
a Breach of Magna Charta and of the Liberties of the People
that the Kings Offices should be shut up especially Consider-