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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 30-May 14, 1696. 305

ing recourse might be had to the same without going through
the Place where the House sits and-it is recommended by the
Board to the House that they would peruse the several Copies
of the Counties Levies herewith sent in Order to make en-
quiries and Examine whether the several Articles therein
Charged & allowed are not against the Priviledges of the
People and known Laws of this Province Talbott county Levy
being not yet returned shall be laid also before the House
when received as to the Houses taken notice that the said
Order was affixed to the Door of their House and on the Sab-
bath day it is Observed to them it was Affixed to the Church
door that all persons might have publick notice thereof and if
the said Order was not taken down last night the fault lyes in
the negligence of some of their Officers
His Excellency is pleased in particular to Represent that he
is sorry to find that the country is so far engaged and Burth-
ened Insomuch that the House cannot conveniently meet so
often to dispatch the necessary Business impendent upon them
by Reason of the Great charge thereby Accruing does there-
fore propose that they would make a Law that either two
Delegates might only be chose to be sent out of each county
to serve or that some Ordinance or Law might pass for the
House to appoint two members at a time to come out of each
County to dispatch the countrys Business whereby the Levies
will be Eased and the country not Groan under that Burthen
for that it is not known how soon the Assembly may again

U. H. J.

meet by Reason his majesteys Royal commands are not yet
come to Hand and it is further represented that the Colony of
Virginia which has nigh double the Tithables of this Province
have but about the same number of Burgesses

p Order
H Denton Clk Concil.

May the 5th 1696.
The Council again Sate and were Present as yesterday

The aforegoing Message being fair writ out was sent to the
House by Colo Robotham Colo Greenberry and Colo Courts
Brought from the House of Burgesses by Major Hammond
and several other members the following answer to the afore-
going message vizt

By the House of Burgesses May the 5th 1696.

Upon Perusall of that part of the message by the honble
Council this day brought to the House in answer to our mes-
sage yesterday sent to your Board in relation to the Order

p. 870

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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