meet by Reason his majesteys Royal commands are not yet
come to Hand and it is further represented that the Colony of
Virginia which has nigh double the Tithables of this Province
have but about the same number of Burgesses
p Order
H Denton Clk Concil.
May the 5th 1696.
The Council again Sate and were Present as yesterday
The aforegoing Message being fair writ out was sent to the
House by Colo Robotham Colo Greenberry and Colo Courts
Brought from the House of Burgesses by Major Hammond
and several other members the following answer to the afore-
going message vizt
By the House of Burgesses May the 5th 1696.
Upon Perusall of that part of the message by the honble
Council this day brought to the House in answer to our mes-
sage yesterday sent to your Board in relation to the Order