27 Proposall for a Thanksgiving day for the Prosperous
Success of his Majestys Arms
This house humbly desire his Excellency will appoint a day
Ordered that proclamation issue out accordingly and
Thursday next be set Aside to be duly Observed and kept by
all Persons residing in this Port & that day month after by
the rest of the Counties within this province
Hen Denton Clk Concil.
Severall Proposalls relating to the Encouraging and
Advancing the Port of Annapolis
This House are of Opinion that if his Excellency please to
Grant a Charter unto the Port of Annapolis he may thereby
Grant unto the Inhabitants thereof all reasonable Priviledges
and Immunities as to his Excellency shall seem fit as to the
Assessing the Conduit at the Publick Charge this House
think the Charge thereof so Inconsiderable that if the Inhabi-
tants of this port have a mind to have such Conduit built they
may easily contribute and provide for the same
As to the Land to be set Aside for the public Builders this
House Concurs with his Excellencys proposalls and are will-
ing that Major Dorsey if any the said Land falls within his