Mr Elisha Hall his petition being read ordered that the
Comittee of Laws prepare a Bill for confirming the Titles of
all those persons who according to former Acts of Assembly
have taken up Lotts in Towns & built thereon
The House adjourned untill eight of the Clock on Saturday
Saturday Octob: the 12th 1695.
The house met and being called over the following Mem-
bers were absent Vizt Mr Frisby Col: Hinson Major Dorsey
Mr Lingham Mr Hutchison Mr Boothby Mr Robt Smith Mr
Low Mr Scarborough, Mr Hooper Mr Hicks Col: Herman &
Col: Codd.
Ordered all Comittees be called into the House.
The Reporte of the Comittee of Agrievances Relating to
the Encourageing of building of Shipps and Vessells within
this Province and the Resolve of this house in Febry 1694
being here produced. Ordered that the Clarke Copy or draw
out the said Resolve, and that the same be sent to the
Comittee of Laws and the Act thereby amended:
The House adjourned untill Munday morning at 7 of the
Munday Octob: the 14th 1695.
The house met and was ordered to be called over and these
following Members were absent Viz. Col: Hinson Mr Frisby
Capt Hill Mr Hutchins Capt Dent Mr Hutchison Mr Boothby
Mr Smith Mr Lowe Major Enalls Mr Hooper Mr Hicks and
Col. Herman.
Mr John Watson added to the Comittee of Agrievances.
Mr Scarborough added to the Comittee of Laws.
The petition of Kent Island referred to a full house on
Tuesday morning.
Certain proposalls from his Excy the Govr & Councill layd
before this house & debated & resolved upon as followeth.
That at Willm Stadt the parish Church be built within the
Port and the parish layd out as convenient as may be to it.