However the afore going Matters tending to the Disturb-
ance of this province, If any person shall hereafter coming
from those parts be discovered to intice or encourage any the
Inhabitants of this province to remove hence through means
of the Specious large Character by them given of those parts
from whence they come shall be lyable upon complaint made
before a Justice of the peace to be cofnitted to prison and
answer the Law as a Comon Disturber and Divulger of false
news. And the like for psons bringing an evill Report upon
the Country by malitiously and falsely spreading abroad a
noise of great taxes. And lastly to set forth that no persons
are thereby hindred to remove out of this province to any
other place they shall best like of, but that they be well
advised before they go about it least they may be sorry for
their Change when it may prove to late.
Signed p Ordr
Hen Denton Cl Concil.
The house desire his Excy would be pleased to issue his