exempted from paying the same Duty, and to make Oath to
their propperty in the Goods upon Exportation.
The House adjourned untill three of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The house mett and adjourned untill 7 of the Clock to-
morrow morning.
Tuesday Octob the 8th 1695.
The house mett and upon calling over these Members were
absent Mr Watson Col: Hinson Mr Frisby Mr Saunders Mr
Greenfield Mr Hutchins Mr Hutchison, Mr Lowe Mr Hooper
Mr Hicks and Colonel St Liedger Codd.
Then read over what was done Yesterday.
Severall proposalls from his Excy the Governor and the
honble his Matys Councill being layd before this house for their
Considracon Debated and resolved upon them as followeth,
Imp's His Excy recomends to the house that they would
seriously Consider what is to be done in relation to New Yorke,
and that they make up so much money at least as will be
proportionable to what our neighbouring Colony of Virginia
hath contributed.
Upon which put to the Question if his Maty shall be further
addressed or the Country be Silent. Carryed by majority of
voices that a further Address be prepared
John Povey Esqr his Lre being read in the house as to that
part relating to Advancemen' of Coyns.