Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 3-19, 1695. 245
Resolved that it be incerted in the Law for Rangers that a
new Officer be added & the pay raised according to the pro-
posall. And resolved upon Occasion that the Rangers may be
furnished out of such Arms at the prime Cost.
As to the meeting of Enimy's or forraign Indians the house
referrs them to his Excys ordrs and directions therein.
That the two ports of Annapolis and Wm Stadt may be
encouraged that a Court may be erected in them for the Dis-
patch of Merchts Suiters, and that the Land at Willm Stadt
may be again layd out, and that 200 Acre be valued & paid
for by the publique or County and allotted for the publique
use, and that the Island be reserved for publique buildings.
Ordered that the Land at William Stadt be again layd out
& two hundred Acres of land next adjacent be Valued by a
Jury and purchased for a town and Comon,and that the Island
be set apart for publique Buildings.
Also read in the house a Bill for the Advancemt of Trade
in the two ports of Annapolis and William Stadt the Contents
whereof being for constituting such Corts as proposed.
The house thinke fitt to reject the same for that within the
said ports there are not people enough to be had to serve as
Comrs Jurymen and other Officers without going into Suite
for such whose busieness is to attend the County Courts, and
therefore the same is thought burthensome.
That the house would Quere whether the Act made in
Gour Copleys tyme for Navall Officers ffees ought not to be
repealed & especially that Clause relating to Shipps built in
the Country.
Resolved that the Comittee of Laws inquire thereunto
That the house would take into Considracon upon tryalls in
the provinciall Cort where the Vicinage shall arise that they
would inspect the Act relating thereto and propose Some
Salvo to it.
Referred to the Considracon of a full house on thursday
That the Law for Regulating Appeals and writts of Error
be explayned, that the King be not bound up thereby from
Appealing for any Sume, And that in Case the Governor be
sick or a party on any Appeale the same may be heard before
the Chief Chancellor and 4 more
Tis the Opinion of this house that the King is not thereby
debarred from appealing for any Sume whatever.
And that his Excy by Comcon and the Great Seale may in
such cases proposed provide for the hearing of Appeals
before such Chief Councellor and four more.
Also resolved by the house that if the principall Debt or
Damadge shall amount to or exceed the Sume of 10000l tob
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