thought fitt and do by these p'sents further prorogue ye untill
the Day after the Date thereof at which tyme and att the place
afd We will and require you that you convene your Selfes to
the End afd Witness Ourselves in our high Court of Chancery
at the port of Annapolis the 2d day of Octob: in the 7th year
of our Raign &c.
Annoq. Dni 1695
ffr. Nicholson
In Obedience whereto Upon
Thursday the 3d of Octob: 1695,
Appeared in the house the following Members Vizt for St
Mary's City Mr John Watson Capt Thos Waughob, St Mary's
County Mr Kenelm Chesseldyn Mr Robert Mason Mr Philip
Clarke, Kent County Col: Hans Hanson Col: John Henson
Majr Tho: Smith Ann Arundell County Major John Hamond,
Mr James Saunders Major Edwd Dorsey, Calvert County Mr
George Lingham Charles County Mr Henry Hawkins Major
James Smalwood Capt Willm Dent Mr Willm Hutchison Balti-
more County Mr Francis Watkins Mr Jno fferry Talbott County
Mr Robt Smith Major Thos Smithson for Csecill County Col:
Willm Peirce & Col: St Leidger Codd.
Mr Speaker having taken the Chaire
Resolved in the house that Mr Speaker issue his warrt to
to the honble Sr Thos Laurence Bart his Maty Secretary of this
Province thereby requiring him to issue out his Matys Writts
to the Sherrifs of Talbot & Somsett Countyes for electing of
the Delegates or Representatives of the afd Countys in the
stead and Room of Col: Henry Coursey deceased and Major
Willm Whittington now Sherrif of Somset County.
Which was accordingly done and the house Adjourned
until two of the Clock on Saturday next
Saturday Octob: 5th 1695.