Maryland ss.
Journall of the House
Assembly 3d Octob 1695.
Whereas the General Assembly of this province upon the
twenty second Day of May last was by his Exncy Francis
Nicholson Esqr his Ma'ys Capt Genll and Govr in Chief of this
province prorogued until the tenth day of September follow-
ing, yet upon further Considracon his Excy thought fit further
to prorogue them, and to that End issued his proclamation
bearing Date the 19th Day of Augt last past whereby the said
Genll Assembly stood further prorogued untill Wednesday
being the second Day of Octob: instant At which Day he
willed and required thereby that they should convene them-
selves at the port of Annapolis in An Arundell County then
and there to do and consent to such things then as by
the favor of Almighty God should happen to be ordeyned
and enacted for the Good and Welfare of this Province. But
before that the sd Genll Assembly did convene themselves as
afd His Maty sent his Writt of prorogation unto them directed
as followeth.
William the third by the Grace of God of England Scotland
France and Ireland King Defendr of the ffaith &c To our
Councellors the Delegates and Reprsentatives of the Severall
County's of our Province of Maryland Greeting, Whereas
upon the 2 2d Day of May last past We thought fitt to pro-
rogue ye untill the tenth day of September last; yet upon
further Considracon We thought fitt and expedient for the
Good and Welfare of this province and the good people
thereof by our proclamation bearing Date the 19th day of
Augt last further to prorogue ye untill the second of Octob.
instant At which tyme We comanded the Sev'all and respective
Sherriffs of the Sevrall County's of our said province to give
Notice unto all and every of you that you should convene
yourselves at the port of Annapolis upon the 2d Day last men-