Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 3-19, 1695. 225
others that shall Come in, shall be cleared as they are ready,
or be Stopt to go under a Convoy in a ffleet, & to advize
which will most Conduce to his Mats Service.
(4) That at the port of Annapolis a Lot be laid out for the
Minister nigh to the place where the Church is to stand, and
that the minister be obliged to Read prayers, twice a day.
(5) It being Represented that there is likely to be a
scarcity of Corn in the Countrey this year, it is therefore pro-
posed that an Order pass against the exportation of it.
(6) Proposed that some sort of Remonstrance or Declara-
tion be drawn up by way of advice to Signifye how unad-
visedly severall persons of this province have been induced to
goe out of the same with their wives and ffamilies; some to
the Southward & some to the northward, Vizt Carolina and
Pensilvania being meerly deceived and led into such ffancy
through a Common Empty rumour and Report of the great
plenty those two places live in, which Reports are Raised by
persons travelling from those parts: • the Effects of which
ffallacy diverse persons have by sad experience tryed, some
being known to Returne again from those parts in a poor
Condition, and others willing to Return if they Could, but
are not able having sold their Estates here and by their
removall spent and lost most or all of their Substance,
whereby they have incapacitated themselves to make any
Return; others have been Ignorantly perswaded and terrifyed
out of the province through a Vain and giddy headed notion
and noise of Great and heavy taxes of a hhd: or more a head,
Whereas the same Evidently appears a frivolous idle Com-
plaint, not but that they are Something large, through Arrears,
Ever since the Revolution, but now hope in God will be Satis-
fyed this year so that the Leavyes will become as light as they
used to be; however the aforegoing matters and reports
apparently tend to the disturbance of the peace and quiet of
his Mats good people here; for prevention of which for
the future, it is further proposed that in the sd Remonstrance
it be likewise precautioned that any person hereafter coming
from those parts, being discovered to intice away or
Encourage any the inhabitants of this province to Remove
hence by or through means of the Specious large Character
by them given of those parts from whence they Come, such
persons shall be lyable (upon Complaint of the same made
and proved before a Justice of the Peace) to be committed tc
prison and answer the Law as a Common disturber or divulger
of ffalse News &ca And the like for persons bringing an Evill
Report upon the Countrey by maliciously and ffalsely spread
ing a broad a noise of great taxes, and lastly to sett forth that no
persons are hereby hindred or intended to be hindred to re-
p. 7