move out of the province to any place, as they shall fancy and
like but that they be well advized in the thing before they go
about it least they Come to be sorry for their change, when it
may prove too late.
Recommended down to the house, by two persons Brick-
makers, that they Examine them whether there be any Clay
to be found within this port of Annapolis fitt to make bricks.
They accordingly go down and Return again and say that
they have passed the Examination of the house and had pre-
sented unto them some Samples of Clay got within and near
the port the which was liked and approved off.
Then were Offered certain proposalls by the sd men the
which being read were referred to the Consideration of the
house of Burgesses.
Adjourn till thursday morning.
Thursday Octobr the 10th 1695.
The Councill again Sate & were present as before.
Read a Letter from the honrble his Mats Councill of the Gov-
ernmt of New York together with a Copy of certain proposi-
tions of the ffive nations of Indians unto his Exncysent and
Read a Petition preferred by Mr Attorney Genll praying
therein that a settlement might be made of his ffees: Ordered
that the same together with the aforementioned Letter &ca be
laid before the house for their Consideration