224 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 3-19, 1695.
(8) That a Law be made to appoint Auditrs in cases where
Audits are required and that they be Ordered to meet upon
such Audits upon a certain day prefixed, for which an allow-
ance may be settled upon them, and for non appearance that
they be lyable to a ffine.
(9) That no Appraisers upon dead mens Estates be Suf-
fered to buy any of the Goods they so appraise.
(10) That Instructions be given in the Law about the
Rangers what they have to do in Case of meeting with
Indians, and that one Officer more be Aded to be allowed
700lb of Tobacco p month, so that as one Comes in from
Ranging the other may goe out, and that they be obliged to
make a great many Cabins up and down the Woods.
(11) That the Rangers may be furnished out of the
Dragoons Arms sent for in, at the prime Cost they stand
charged at.
(12) That the Law be Confirmed about the Ports, as they
are now laid out, and that the bill now referred about Erect-
ing Courts in the same be Considered.
Quaere whether the Act for setling the Navll Officers ffees
&ca made in Governr Copleys time ought not to have been
repealed upon the making the Act for Tonnage and ascer-
taining Navll Officers ffees.
p. 6
Quaerie whether a Clause inserted in the Act for Tonnage
made in Governt Copleys time touching Ships built in the
Countrey ought not to be likewise repealed.
Ordered that the aforegoing proposalls and quaries be laid
before the house of Delegates and Burgesses together with
the Letters and other papers aforementioned here Read,
which accordingly was done
Adjourn till to morrow morning.
Tuesday, Octobr the 8th 1695.
The Councill again Sate and were present as Yesterday
The following proposalls being also Offered at the Board,
were by Ordr also laid before the house Vizt
(1) Proposed that the Island at William Stadt be set aside
for Publick buildings as a Church, a Schoole, a Court house
&ca and a place for publick builders, and that Land be set
a side at the Port of Annapolis for Publick builders also, and
that the Same be Staked out and bear some prticular Name.
(2) That at William Stadt the parish Church be built
within the port and the parish laid out as Convenient as Can
be to it.
(3) Proposed whether the ships now in the Countrey or