Court shall be held to the Porte of Annapolis upon Seavern
River in Ann Arundell and there att the said Porte in the
Court house of the Province hold and keep the said County
Court and so all County Courts for the sd County shall for
ever hereafter be held and kept att the said Porte of
Annapolis att Seavern River aforesaid in Ann Arundell County
aforesaid & att no other place whatsoever in the said County
and that the Records of the said County be removed to the sd
Porte there to be kept, and also that the Church to be built
and Erected for the Parish in which the said Porte of Annapolis
is shall be built and erected within the said Porte in such place
and part thereof as to his Excellency the prsent Governr shall
be thought fitt and Convenient, which shall for ever hereafter
be Denominated Called and Known by the name of the Porte
of Annapolis and by no other name or Distinction whatever.
An Act for secureing of Admrs and Executors from double
paying of Debts & Limitting the time for payment of Obli-
gations within this Province.
Forasmuch as Doubts have arisen whether Executors or
Administrators haveing fully Satisfyed so farr as Assetts all
Debts due within this Province with respect to the quality of
the same Debts should be Lyable to answer debts Contracted
out of this Province being of a higher nature for preventing
of all ambiguities for the future and to the end That the
severall and respective Courts and the Practitioners thereunto
appertaining may be Ascertained what methods & Measures
hereafter to take in Cases of that nature it is prayed That it
may be Enacted And Be it Enacted by the King and Queens
most Excellent Maties by and with the Advice and Consent
of this present Generall Assembly and by the Authority of the
same That from and after the publication hereof no person or
persons being Executors or Administrators of any Estate within
this Province shall be lyable to pay or satisfy debts Contracted
out of this Province of what nature or quality soever, Debts
due to their Sacred Maties onely Excepted Before Debts due
within this Province from the Estate or Estates of any person
or persons Deceased shall be paid & Satisfyed if such Executors
or Administrators shall have Assetts in his her or their hands
sufficient to satisfy and pay the same such Executors or Ad-
ministrators haveing respect to the quality of the Debts Due
within this Province as aforesaid unless the Creditor or Cred-